Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide Collector's Edition Upgrade Download Game Hacked -- http://ssurll.com/102t8v
About This Content The definitive version of Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide, packed full with goodies to prepare you for the Skaven onslaught. Ubersreik Map - A high resolution digital copy of the Ubersreik Map, detailing the town and its treacherous streets.Vermintide Wallpapers - High resolution wallpapers to decorate your screen and prepare you for the battles to come.Behind the Scenes Pack - This pack contains documents, concepts and footage stretching back to the beginning of Vermintide's development.Official Soundtrack - The atmospheric tones of the soundtrack written to match the malicious Skaven race, by critically acclaimed composer Jesper Kyd.UNIQUE Headpiece: Candlelight Guard - A Guard for the Bright Wizard that is adorned with beeswax candles from Altdorf's most exclusive chandler. Beeswax candles burns cleanly without the foul and terrible odour of their cheaper tallow counterparts.UNIQUE Headpiece: Dal Grimazul - From the Dark Lands to Marienburg, the shape of the Dal Grimazul helm is instantly recognizable. This is the classic Dwarf War Helm, proven over millennia of battle and hardship, and a favourite of Bardin the Ranger.UNIQUE Headpiece: Hat of Purifying Light - With two candles blessed by Priests of the Great Temple attached to the band of his wide brimmed hat, a purifying glow surrounds the Witch Hunter as he strides forth in the night. “The righteous feel no pain. Be you unrighteous?” - Victor Saltzpyre.UNIQUE Headpiece: Tal Amere Crown - A battle hood from the Hall of Tal Amere in Atylwyth, the winter realm of Athel Loren. Its delicate fabric keeps the wearer warm and safe, useful for Kerillian as she walks the often cold and hostile land of men.UNIQUE Headpiece: Ironside Helmet - A helmet for the Soldier, named after the ‘Ironsides’, a unit whose recruits are drawn from the guards and apprentices of the renowned Imperial Gunnery School. Clad in heavy armour and armed with master-wrought firearms, the Nuln Ironsides are one of the most widely respected and well equipped Handgunner regiments in the Empire. 2 UNIQUE Trinkets - Dazzle the rest of your team with these 2 prestigious trinkets. 1075eedd30 Title: Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide Collector's Edition UpgradeGenre: ActionDeveloper:FatsharkFranchise:WarhammerRelease Date: 23 Aug, 2016 Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide Collector's Edition Upgrade Download Game Hacked Bought this because Fatshark deserve the money, FLC and solid patches should be celebrated in this day and age.. People seem to be confusing"Collectors addition" with "Game Of The Year" edition. Please not that this gives you exclusives as a collector. NOT DLC MAPS.. Bought this to support Fatshark. Love the game and hope for more content to come! :). Yes-yes support developers get shiny things, good trade with surface dwellers to get nuf for warpstone. *Sniffs*. Bought collector's edition for myself and a frienddid not include DLC mapsvery disappointed-----------My actual thoughts, after playing through the campaign (Not DLC campaigns, just the base).1) This game is FUN with the RIGHT people. I definitely draw similarities to Left 4 Dead. The core gameplay is a beautiful, easy to appreciate, mix of graceful rat-slaying mixed with moments of absolute, sheer panic. I can't stress enough just how fun it can be. Playing through with a good set of friends is a blast - but, like anything that is 'stress-inducing', public matchmaking is hit or miss. I have publicly played with some fun players, and some that act incredibly nastily. 2) The artwork is GORGEOUS. The attention to detail is very impressive, and this is all-inclusive. Stepping into the Marktplaza for the first time and looking around, it's hard not to be immersed. I got killed the first time I ran through, because I was just looking up at all the skaven pouring over the castle walls in awe. The team nailed the essence of what I always visualized with regards to the universe. 3) I appreciate the dedication to replayability. I don't know if or when I'll pick the DLC campaigns up, but that doesn't mean I'm done with the base game after beating it once on hard. No, no no. I've played through the base campaign twice already (some of the missions 4-5 times) - on hard - and I plan on tackling it in the two higher difficulties - I'll expound on the downside to the higher difficulty levels soon enough -- as soon as I am able to.I do have to bring up what I feel may be downsides for potential players. And I can't think of much, as I haven't achieved 100% so I don't have a comprehensive knowledge of the game. I hope, if I'm wrong, someone can correct me.Playing on anything above hard is absolutely brutal. That, by itself, isn't a bad thing. What is, is that it seems to me the difficulty SPIKES as soon as I toggle a setting above hard (veteran or nightmare). I have NO idea whether that is tied to level, or the gear I have equipped -- or if, perhaps, I'm just a middle-of-the-line player that will probably never be able to play on the higher difficulties. I feel very strongly like the scale ramps up so quickly that whatever it is I'm doing wrong on higher difficulties is punished so exceedingly quickly, that I'm not able to figure out "where it went wrong". On this second note -- I don't personally think it's a bad thing at all, as I grew up praying to the RNG gods. Some may, however, so it's worth mentioning -- sometimes, due to the (calculatedly) random nature of enemy spawning, you can find yourself absolutely \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665ed during a mission. A good example is a personal experience, in the very first campaign mission. There is a segment where you need to cross some rooftops. Our team had, in one spawn, a globadier, packrat, and a Rat Ogre. It ended quickly. But, again, YMMV, and I only mention the random spawns because some may not appreciate it. I thought it was brilliant, and I laughed and laughed and laughed. One of my friends however had the opposite reaction and got very upset about it.----OVERALL\/TL;DR: I'm really incredibly glad I bought this game, it's very fun. Very replayable. I'd recommend it to anyone who thoroughly enjoyed the chaos "Left 4 Dead", some of the head bashing of "Mount & Blade", and the replayable campaign style\/weapon unlocks of "LOTR: War in the North". It's a nice little gem that's got a lot of content within, and I look forwrad to playing more of it myself.. As somebody who deeply regretted not purchasing the collector's edition back when it was first release this bit of DLC is most welcome.They deserve the extra money. They really do.. Disclaimer: You'll find nothing useful in this DLC, only cosmetics and bonus content.In game features:+ 5 awesome hats, 1 per hero+ 2 absolutely useless cosmetic trinketsOther: (in your game's directory)+ magnificent soundtrack by Jesper Kyd (wish they updated it with story DLCs soundtracks)Upd: THEY DID! :D+ artbook+ lore friendly map of Ubersreik and friendly neighborhood+ short development vidSummary:Nice way to support awesome developer and look cool in the process, but nothing more. Keep up the good work Fatshark!. Great game, keep up the good work Fatshark!. I love Vermintide, I find slaying rats therapeutic.Soundtrack is awesome, although extended editions of Red Moon Inn music would be a nice cherry on top.Great work Fatshark!